Wednesday 21 November 2007

Follow Up Since Switch On

Returned to YCIS today for my 3rd programming (I went last Friday and just had a little increase on the frequencies and outdone the speech therapist' work on "sh"!). Have been adjusted with frequencies to a little bit higher and it was less squeaky so that's a good sign as the squeak bleeps were too loud for me(!)

Saw the speech therapist again and we had worked on the sound "f" comparing those with "v" - you will notice the difference - "f" has a bit of vibrating where as "v" is smooth sound - you try it! Again outdone her work and my mum did some tests on me too and it was superb, everyone was please and so amazed how I've got to so far... okay I admit that I have heard some sounds before but I had to lipread it at the same time whereas today all my tests were done on my implant side without having to turn round to lip-read!!
This is my new Cochlear Implant with speech processor - the magnet is the size of a £2 coin, it may look that big but it is not! I have so many colours to go on the back of my ear - it could be red, blue, black, silver etc... not bad to match any tops of mine!

I have had more newspapers reporters coming in to see me since the switch on so I'll update it when I receive the papers this week! James says I'm famous!!!

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