Sunday 14 October 2007

Conor's Poem

This poem below was created by my son with a little help from his class teacher at Clinton Park School, Coningsby in 2003.

If I was unable to hear,
Chiming clocks,
Gas that hisses,
Wind whistling through the trees,
I would miss them.

If I was unable to hear,
A telephone ringing,
A quiet rumble of thunder,
Music playing,
I would miss them.

If I was unable to hear,
People behind me,
A fire engine,
Noises in the night,
I would be afraid.

If I was unable to hear,
Wind on my face,
Music through my fingers,
A baby monitor vibrate,
I would feel them.

If I was unable to hear,
People might laugh at me,
People might not understand me,
People might be unkind to me,
I would feel sad.

I can hear so I have learnt to sign,
I have learnt to look at people when I talk to them.
I have learnt to be understanding,
Today I am a better person.

Written by Conor Fishwick (age 7) 2003©

1 comment:

Elaine CI journey said...

Hi Rachel, a brilliant poem that your son has written. It really does well up my eyes especially as I was born deaf and understand the poem so well. I've added you to my bloglist, hope that is ok? Elaine