Monday 1 October 2007

Fourth Visit

Update 20 September 2007

I once again made another trip to YCIS this afternoon. First went to the ward and had few tests - think I must loose some weight (only joking!) and answered few questions. Next went to see the surgeon Mr Strachan and I asked him a few questions as I wanted to know which ear he was going to operate. That was a difficult one because at the last hearing test last week was 1% in my right ear and 3% in the left ear (that's to hear from the TV without any pictures!) so have a little discussion, its been decided to do on my left ear!At the SAME time, I was being FILMED.............. Hollywood here I come! Nah, the YCIS is trying to promote for other people and business/donators as YCIS is trying to build a new Ear Life Trust Centre and also another film for parents/patients what to expect with the Cochlear Implant.

My husband was being filmed too so it was a rather interesting afternoon. So I'll be admitting on the 17th October instead of 18th at 7.30am - too much for me to run around and sort the boys out on the day so I rather relax the night before (huh?) and Mr Strachan will do the op on the 18th - have been told it would be between 1½ and 3 hours. I will be staying overnight again till the 19th when I will have an xray to see if the implant is in the right place and if I'm all well especially after the anesthetic as I'm rather nausea with it I can go home in the afternoon!

All I have to do now is attend my local doc next Thurs for the pneumococcal immunisation (as part of the op) and then wait till 17th October!!

I'm not nervous yet but I'm aiming to get it done and over with as I've really wanted my hearing back to normal. Then I will go back sometime in November - that's when the hard work kicks in with new unfamiliar sounds and got to learn them again so I'll let you know when my "switch on" date is. Roll on 17th October and I'll promise to post some photos to this group after the op and you can have a laugh at my new turban!

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