Sunday 21 October 2007

The next 24 hours

What a night! I slept on and off trying to find comfort but mainly slept on my right side through the night. Nurses woke me up at 6.45am to see if I was alright and asked me for any painkillers. More blood pressure tests were taken and it was back to normal! Had my breakfast and was a lot perkier.

Mr Strachan came to see me and took the bandage off and said the wound was good and clean. He was pleased with it and said that I would have to go for my x-ray in the next couple of hours and then go home all being well.

Salim, my audiologist from YCIS came and gave me a card to prove that I have the implant in my left ear. He was happy with the operation too as he told me that he attended the theatre and made sure that the implant was working. He then said "SEE YOU IN 4 WEEKS TIME"....

My hair was in a mess, it felt that I had wallpaper paste stuck at the back of my head and it took a while to brush the "iodine" out! Howard came at 12 noon and I was still waiting to go in for the x-ray.

At 12.45pm, as soon as my dinner was coming into my room, the porter came in with the wheelchair for me to go to the x-ray! And I was still hooked up with more antibiotics! Anyway I had to skip the lunch and was wheeled down to the x-ray department. Had x-rays and then was taken back to the ward and had sandwiches(!)

Went back on the antibiotics drip for another half an hour and then the sister said "the x-rays was fine and you can go home"... so we left Bradford Royal Infirmary at 3.30pm and got home an hour later due to traffic in Bradford!

Photo shows the scar 24 hours later.

That night, I slept on and off but really slept properly.

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