Monday 1 October 2007

Third Visit to YCIS

Went to see the audiologist yesterday thinking I'm just going for more hearing tests.... got there and she said "do you know what you're doing today?" I just thought "no?" why should I know? Anyway she said we are not doing any tests... phew! But to look and prepare what will happen with the operation.... eh?

I hadn't been told whether I would be going ahead or not. It was to get us prepared in the next couple of months. oh right we thought! Anyway, we watched on how it works - wow! So interesting to watch the presentation and she even showed us the speech processor and the implant.. gosh it's about the size of a 50 pence piece which will be inserted in my head (ouch) and they will be drilling some tiny holes through some bones into the cochlear (the shape is like a snail - that is cochlear) and will have an electrode auditory nerve inserted there plus another electrode into the nerve to the brains.

I have really been warned that after the op I will not have any hearing - what's the point - I can't hear! Really I only can hear with the aids of my hearing aids but if I have one in - I will not hear a thing! Wait for it. After a month I will go back to hospital and have the Speech processor and the transmitter coil on my ear and head (magnetic to the implant) and then they will be switched on. Also I have been warned that I will get frustrated because I will be learning new sounds which I may have never heard before - such as the birds etc and will probably be frightening for me, I will have several homework to do on getting used to speech and will be very tired etc. They were very good and am just waiting for the CT Scan date now - should have heard by now but nothing yet as they are keen to get me done asap. They also gave some books for my sons to read and why am I getting this CI and having an operation and how long I will be in hospital (2 or 3 days). So far I've had a few assessments and after the scan the team will have a meeting to decide which CI will be the best for me as they have several companies that makes them. They have assured me that they don't say NO to anyone who has got that far.

Also there are a few dos and don'ts.... heck I can't go on big dippers with this implant because the implant in my head will get knocled about and the electrode nerve will probably move out of its position! So no big dippers next year!!! A good excuse! And if I go to airport, I cannot go through the security scanners as the CI is treated as Heart Pacemakers and will have to have a ID card. Also sometimes it does trigger off in shops that have security banners so again I have to carry the ID card at all times. I may get some buzzing sounds when I go near pylons as I live near the pylons! And it has to be switched off when we have thunderstorms - can you imagine that I'll get shocked when the lightening comes! Zap Rach!

So it does look very promising with these things that's going on and I just want to get my confidence back and enjoy my new lifestyle once again and be more of a social person instead of making excuses of not going out to meet anyone. he speech therapist asked me "Do you mention that you are deaf to anyone?" That is true - as I don't - why should I? I just want to be treated like a normal person but I have started to say that I'm partially hearing because I have lost a lot of hearing since November and it never regained. We did ask the surgeon if my hearing could get worse if I didn't have the CI and his answer was YES so that is frightening.Anyway hopefully I should get a date soon and fingers crossed for the funding and then I will let you know when I'll have the op. Hubby's quite pleased with it as I talked to him via MSN last night and is glad that something is happening. I know I will have 100% support from my husband and my mum who has been trailing around with me to various hospital appointments in the absence of husband.

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